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June 11, 2013 June 2013 No Comments

Wharekakak-NewsAs I write this report the chill of winter has arrived.  There is snow on the hills around the valley and I am suddenly thinking that the end of the golden weather has arrived.  We must not be negative as it has been such a great autumn.

As usual lots of activities have been happening at Wharekaka.  Residents and visitors enjoyed a concert by Vicki Jones and Paul Binnings.  The Ladies Auxiliary arranged a morning activity of flower decorating for residents’ rooms.  This was enjoyed by all and certainly brightened up the facility.

We have a concert by Cherry, Dawn and Vicki on Sunday 23rd June at 3.30pm.  Visitors are welcome to attend this for a gold coin donation.

The Pirinoa school Ukulele Orchestra will entertain residents and visitors on Tuesday 25th June at 11.00am.
Residents will be looking forward to the mid-winter solstice lunch later this month.

The dining room extension commenced on 27 May.  This extension will benefit residents and staff with extra room being created, together with an outside deck area for use during the warmer weather. 

Wharekaka is very fortunate to receive all sorts of support from our community.  If you have a few spare minutes in your day would you like to offer this time to us?  Could you come in and read the daily newspaper to residents?  Do you have a talent that you could share with us, or may be you can play an instrument and need somewhere to practice – we would love to listen!!  Please contact Wendy on 3069701.

The Wharekaka Trust Board AGM will be held on 3rd July 2013.  For more information please contact the Manager.
We have a two bedroom villa for sale.  This villa is on the grounds of the main facility and features a heat pump, modern décor, wet floor shower with access throughout for a wheelchair. This villa is for sale by Occupation Right Agreement. If you are interested please contact the Manager 06 306 9781.

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