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Councillors Comments

September 10, 2012 Regular Features, September 2012 Comments Off on Councillors Comments

The town is certainly buzzing getting into the spirit of Spring.  The winter weather has been enough to put even the most dedicated shoppers and visitors off so here’s hoping you enjoyed the JAZZ  and will support the Commemoration of the Martinborough Town Hall – 100 years is a long time – tickets for sale at Council and P & K and only $15.  

Guests of honour our Mayor Her Worship Adrienne Staples and John Hayes MP.  Entertainment by MADCAPS and Shane Cator and food by Providore – 16 September 5-7pm.  Joyce Hogg is icing a special celebration chocolate cake.  All proceeds to the Town Hall Restoration Fund. … Continue Reading

Community Board notes

September 10, 2012 Regular Features, September 2012 Comments Off on Community Board notes

Gosh, what a busy month August has been, Madcaps maybe one of the best yet, we are constantly amazed at the talent in our small town!!

At our Community board meeting on Monday, Craig Hamilton came to talk to us about the 26th Sept Shakedown which all the registered companies and private people will be taking part in and how our town will be likely to join in. Have you joined up yet?

It is hoped that people all over NZ will take part as recognition of the Christchurch earthquake, and helping us to be more aware and ready! Go online and look up www.getthru.govt.nz and sign up! … Continue Reading

From the Mayor

September 10, 2012 Regular Features, September 2012 Comments Off on From the Mayor

Adrienne Staples

All the talk of reorganising local government seems to have polarized people into two camps, yes please and no thanks.  Those for are generally divided into ‘one Wairarapa’ or being part of a larger Wellington region governance structure. 

The problem is that we simply don’t yet have the facts to support any of the arguments for or against. The facts we do have are that the proposed changes to the Local Government Act will make amalgamations of local government easier to achieve and there is pressure to change. 

We do know that there is great demand on resources and we have to do more with less.  Simply sharing services with neighbouring councils does not deliver sufficient savings to make small councils viable in the long term. … Continue Reading

Did you Know

September 10, 2012 Regular Features, September 2012 Comments Off on Did you Know

THAT ” Martinborough Rugby Football Club is hosting a live Eagles Tribute Band on 17th November at their grounds 4-7pm. Yummy food stalls, and refreshments on site. Find out more on FBook Under “Party Marty” or www.iticket.co.nz.

THAT knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

THAT ”  M.R.F.C wish to invite all sponsors and supporters to their formal prize giving that is to be held at the clubrooms on Saturday 13th October 2012.” … Continue Reading


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Stunning first 4 – 1 win for Marty Women’s FC

By All-knowing Football Reporter It was always going to happen. After a few draws, some losses the newly-formed MWFC won their first game. An impressive and resounding victory. It started with ‘The Fox in the Box,’ the striker who plays in the traditional Number 9 role of marauding the penalty …

Martinborough Golf Club

A taste of what the new clubhouse will offer was provided recently to members and the Martinborough community.  The weather also came to the party to give everyone fabulous views from the new bar /lounge area as well as the undercover outdoor space. Over 100 people took advantage of the …

Four locals shine in Under-18 hockey team – August 2024

Martinborough and Pirinoa were well represented in the Wairarapa Women’s U18 hockey team, that competed in the National Under 18 tournament in Christchurch last month. Melinda Marshal, Neve Bruce, Amanda Jephson and Ella Kirkup  were selected and came together in the team after playing for Martinborough as juniors almost 10 …

Regular Features


By Brenda Channer – Martinborough Bookshop Story-telling is possibly the most powerful and long-lived method …

EVENTS  – September 2024

Wellington Heritage Festival When: October 26 – November 17  Where: * Wellington Region – 140 …

Cartel Food Company “Home Grown in Martinborough”

By Lyle Griffiths Nine years ago, Jason and Melissa Phillips founded the Cartel Food Company …

Community servant Jake Hawkins hands over Helmet

Retiring Fire Chief Jake Hawkins joined Martinborough’s Volunteer Fire Brigade in 1994 _ 30 years …

From The Mayor

By Martin Connelly Firstly, can I thank the Deputy Mayor for keeping this column going …


Matariki Rising from 29 June Nine stars herald the New Year Remutaka Hill Closures by …

How Well Do We Know People In Our Community?

By Lyle Griffiths Sue Sullivan is a well-known identity in our community. Where else are …

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