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From the Acting Mayor

May 7, 2024 May 2024, Regular Features Comments Off on From the Acting Mayor

By Melissa Sadler-Futter

It’s great to be able to connect with you through The Star as your Acting Mayor again this month, during Martin’s continued leave of absence. 

If we haven’t had the opportunity to meet yet, “hi, I am Melissa”, I am normally the Deputy Mayor and I live in Featherston with my family. I’m here to address any questions or concerns you may have. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me at melissa.sadlerfutter@swdc.govt.nz.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet and chat with a number of you during April at community workshops, the Hinekura Road opening, community meetings in Ngawi and Tora/Tuturumui as well as councillor drop-in sessions bright and early at Kitcheners. It is these opportunities for conversation with the community that make the work of councillors more accessible, meaningful and informed. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge and feedback with us.

This month I am keen to focus on one important topic – consultation for the Enhanced Annual Plan that is currently open until May 5. 

We are inviting our community to provide feedback to the proposals which are included in the document. You do not need to be a local government expert or to have taken part in council consultation before, you simply need to care about your community and I know we all do!

I know councils spend a lot of time talking about plans – Combined District Plan, Spatial Plan, Long Term Plan, Annual Plan and now an Enhanced Annual Plan but what is it all about and what does it really mean?  … Continue Reading


May 7, 2024 May 2024 Comments Off on Letters:

Vineyard gas guns 

Dear Ed:

We moved here two years and the bird guns were going off as we viewed the house. 

We have no problem with the noise as it is part of living in the country our other permanent neighbours feel the same as us.

I find Hilton Doherty’s reaction extreme to say the least as he too would have known about the guns when he purchased his property.

It is like people who buy next to a bar then complain about the noise or those who bought by Western Springs raceway and complain.

I’m sure the guns do annoy him and also sure if they were being used outside the best practice rules the SWDC would do something.

Paul Sara, Ferry Road.

Dear Ed,

I read with amusement the front page article about bird scarers. It was certainly a fine effort at an April Fools. Congratulations.

We also live rurally, not far from a wool shed. It is quite shocking the country and farm noises we have to put up with. The generator is one thing, I can just about cope with being woken up early 2 days on the trot, twice a year, but the shearers radio really does spoil my afternoon snooze.

When it comes to weaning of the sheep and cattle I have to walk around with my ear muffs on. I’ve suggested putting the animals on tranquilizers,

Oh, and lets not forget the barking dogs, the mooing cows, the bleating lambs and the low- flying top dresser airplane that does low level fly buys (sic) once a year. It is so low that for one day a year I have to wear clothes in my garden, and make love at midnight. A dreadful hardship.

The travails of living in the countryside and having to put up with the normal and expected noises of our very good neighbours earning a living are not difficult, especially when we are always told when the farm sounds will change. It gives us the opportunity to go away, but we don’t want to, we live in a working environment and it’s wonderful.

Congratulations on a great wheeze!

Richard Le Mare

Editor replies:

Richard, hi. You saw through the jape! Oh, making love at midnight should always be on the calendar – or sofa.

Martinborough Community Noticeboard

May 7, 2024 May 2024, Regular Features Comments Off on Martinborough Community Noticeboard

This new Noticeboard is to list Martinborough community groups and activities. The goal: provide a location where people can find what is happening and participate. This project is part of Martinborough Lion’s Club contribution to progressing Martinborough. If you’d like your group or activity added, please contact: AshleyMudford.Lions@gmail.com

Martinborough Community Groups

Bingo for Seniors

Description: A chance to enjoy others’ company over a cup of tea and games of Bingo.

Location: Wharekaka Hub, 20 Oxford Street

When: Monday 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Contact: Matt: 022 5686 352

Information: Gold coin donation to cover costs

Board Game Club

Description: For those who love board games, cardboard squares and dice

Location: Yet to be established

When: Yet to be agreed

Contact: Sergio

Information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/martyboardgaming/

… Continue Reading

Rapaki Farm lifestyle project shovel ready

May 7, 2024 May 2024 Comments Off on Rapaki Farm lifestyle project shovel ready

From Shooting Butts Road to Te Muna Road, an enhanced walking track passes 39 lifestyle blocks.

Plans for a 39-lifestyle block subdivision behind Martinborough golf links are “shovel ready” _ with the contract to begin roading on the block signed and sealed, developer Murray Cole told The Star.

Power supply for the development has “also been contracted,” but the lifestyle blocks will not have water or sewerage connnections – “these are lifestyle blocks.” 

The project will include a “Te Muna Road – to town walk” which will link into the Rapaki Hillside Walk _ already listed as one of the country’s Top 10 leisure walks.

The plan is to sell the 39 rural lots for $1.2 million each, he said, with the project’s focus on complementing and enhancing the natural landscape.

Cole said an initial stage of the development will see 11 four-hectare blocks accessed from Shooting Butts Road go on the market in early spring – with four already pre-sold.

“They’re mostly four hectares with a few bigger ones up the top (of the landholding)  where there may be a luxury tree-top hotel,” he added.

“A big thing in Rapaki is we’re hoping to make the (public leisure) walk better … so you’ll be able to walk from Te Muna Road right down to Shooting Bucks Road (and) to the town – or you can ride your electric bike. 

“There’ll also be a cicuit so you can take your little dog and walk around … without impacting on the privacy of the homes.” … Continue Reading


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Martinborough Golf Club

A taste of what the new clubhouse will offer was provided recently to members and the Martinborough community.  The weather also came to the party to give everyone fabulous views from the new bar /lounge area as well as the undercover outdoor space. Over 100 people took advantage of the …

Four locals shine in Under-18 hockey team – August 2024

Martinborough and Pirinoa were well represented in the Wairarapa Women’s U18 hockey team, that competed in the National Under 18 tournament in Christchurch last month. Melinda Marshal, Neve Bruce, Amanda Jephson and Ella Kirkup  were selected and came together in the team after playing for Martinborough as juniors almost 10 …

Featherston Amateur Wrestling Club

It’s been a busy season at the Wrestling club so far in 2024.  In late May/June FWC attended the Waikanae Tri-series tournament, the Wellington  Championships and the North Island Championships. An impressive collection of Gold, Silver and Bronze medals returned with the teams. The tri-series with local clubs introduces our …

Regular Features

Cartel Food Company “Home Grown in Martinborough”

By Lyle Griffiths Nine years ago, Jason and Melissa Phillips founded the Cartel Food Company …

Community servant Jake Hawkins hands over Helmet

Retiring Fire Chief Jake Hawkins joined Martinborough’s Volunteer Fire Brigade in 1994 _ 30 years …

From The Mayor

By Martin Connelly Firstly, can I thank the Deputy Mayor for keeping this column going …


Matariki Rising from 29 June Nine stars herald the New Year Remutaka Hill Closures by …

How Well Do We Know People In Our Community?

By Lyle Griffiths Sue Sullivan is a well-known identity in our community. Where else are …

FIRE BRIGADE REPORT – Call-out milestone: SIX each week

Martinborough’s Volunteer Fire Brigade crews reached the 150 call-out milestone in May. That’s an average …

Matariki and family key to Aratoi winter exhibits

This season, Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History has a group of exhibitions that …

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