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The Martinborough Business Association Annual Barrel Race

December 10, 2012 December 2012 Comments Off on The Martinborough Business Association Annual Barrel Race

On the eve of Toast Martinborough The Square transformed to a race track for barrel-wheeling vineyard teams and barrel pushing businesses. Olympic champions Storm Uru and Peter Taylor took on the vineyard teams.

1st Palliser Vineyard
2nd Martinborough Vineyard
3rd Escarpment
Fancy Dress:
Dry River
1st Mitre 10
2nd Winemakers Services
3rd Perception Planning
Best Barrel:

Photos courtesy Mike Sleyer


December 10, 2012 December 2012 Comments Off on PARTY MARTY

Anyone who did not go to Party Marty on Saturday 17 November missed a great event.  The threatening bad weather never eventuated which was just as well as there would have been a lot of disappointed people had the rain set in.

The open air concert was the Martinborough Rugby Club’s fundraising event at the Club grounds. The band was “Life in the Fast Lane” – an Eagles tribute band. First half was songs from the 70’s and 80’s – so enjoyable including a great Neil Diamond cover.

Then the main event, The Eagles! This band is really wonderful and those Eagles fans who have never been able to go to the genuine article were totally in agreement that these guys were in no way second fiddle. They were as close as you could get to the original.

The young (and not so young) danced and sang along, with a wonderful atmosphere. There was entertainment for the kids and a lovely safe environment for them to run around freely. 
The food was great, lovely Martinborough wines and no bad behaviour.
I hope the rugby club do it again next year so those who missed out this year can make sure they attend. Everybody involved in the organisation should give themselves a big pat on the back for a job well done!!

Gay Reed

Guy Fawkes Night goes off with a Bang!

December 10, 2012 December 2012 Comments Off on Guy Fawkes Night goes off with a Bang!

Considine Park was the place to be on the night of the 4th of November for the Martinborough Guy Fawkes Community Fireworks display. 

What a great night it turned out to be! After a false start due to rain the previous evening, Sunday was cool and clear with no wind. There were lots of fun activities for everyone to enjoy: fire engine rides, a bouncy castle, delicious gourmet burgers, sausages and hot chocolates on sale, and glowsticks to wave about as the night closed in. A real family atmosphere was created thanks to the live music provided by Shane Cater.  … Continue Reading

‘Ears for Emily’ Fundraising Dinner

December 10, 2012 December 2012 Comments Off on ‘Ears for Emily’ Fundraising Dinner

Corina, Ed and Emily presented with the cheque by Janet Milne representing the St Andrew’s community. (photo Robin Ormerod)

$8000 was raised towards the $50,000 required for Emily to have her second cochlear implant at the St Andrew’s Anglican Church dine and dance on 3 November. The church annually organises a fundraising dinner for the community and this year it was decided to support the ‘Ears from Emily’ cause.

This occasion was a great example of team work and generosity, with individuals from the church and Martinborough community combining their talents and efforts. Jenny Harrison lead the team in the kitchen and the resulting 3 course meal was enjoyed by all. Many local businesses generously donated goods and services for the auction and raffles…including firewood, cultured pearls, a mixed media artwork, quad bike rides, a dinner set and vouchers for local cafes. Vineyards donated the splendid wines served for the occasion. Shaun Grant provided his DJ and musical talents.

Corina and Ed (Emily’s parents) presented a video of their daughter’s progress through her 21 months of life, her heart surgery, followed by her cochlear implant operation. The highlight was watching Emily respond to sound for the first time in her life at the time of the cochlear implant switch-on. The second cochlear implant will allow Emily to locate the direction of sound and aids understanding of speech.



Stunning first 4 – 1 win for Marty Women’s FC

By All-knowing Football Reporter It was always going to happen. After a few draws, some losses the newly-formed MWFC won their first game. An impressive and resounding victory. It started with ‘The Fox in the Box,’ the striker who plays in the traditional Number 9 role of marauding the penalty …

Martinborough Golf Club

A taste of what the new clubhouse will offer was provided recently to members and the Martinborough community.  The weather also came to the party to give everyone fabulous views from the new bar /lounge area as well as the undercover outdoor space. Over 100 people took advantage of the …

Four locals shine in Under-18 hockey team – August 2024

Martinborough and Pirinoa were well represented in the Wairarapa Women’s U18 hockey team, that competed in the National Under 18 tournament in Christchurch last month. Melinda Marshal, Neve Bruce, Amanda Jephson and Ella Kirkup  were selected and came together in the team after playing for Martinborough as juniors almost 10 …

Regular Features


By Brenda Channer – Martinborough Bookshop Story-telling is possibly the most powerful and long-lived method …

EVENTS  – September 2024

Wellington Heritage Festival When: October 26 – November 17  Where: * Wellington Region – 140 …

Cartel Food Company “Home Grown in Martinborough”

By Lyle Griffiths Nine years ago, Jason and Melissa Phillips founded the Cartel Food Company …

Community servant Jake Hawkins hands over Helmet

Retiring Fire Chief Jake Hawkins joined Martinborough’s Volunteer Fire Brigade in 1994 _ 30 years …

From The Mayor

By Martin Connelly Firstly, can I thank the Deputy Mayor for keeping this column going …


Matariki Rising from 29 June Nine stars herald the New Year Remutaka Hill Closures by …

How Well Do We Know People In Our Community?

By Lyle Griffiths Sue Sullivan is a well-known identity in our community. Where else are …

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