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December 10, 2012 December 2012, Regular Features No Comments

Busy dealing to the weeds

Well time is racing by – hard to believe that Christmas is only four weeks away!! We are looking forward to the Martinborough Kindergarten children coming in to help us make some new decorations for our tree.

Wharekaka has had a fun and busy time lately. We have our usual weekly activities, Pilates, Tai Chi, Housie to keep everyone busy, plus some popular entertainers returning to Wharekaka. Residents enjoyed a ballroom dancing demonstration and Martin Lawrence playing the piano.

A special thank you must go to Janet our Gardener who has once again grown award winning roses. Thanks also to Joanna Wilson for coming and selecting the winning entries.
Wendy and some of the residents have been busy in the vege gardens removing weeds and doing a general tidy up ready to plant summer vegetables.

Along with some residents Wendy created a lovely scarecrow for the strawberry patch last week. Now the competition is to find a name for this delightful fella!!.

Unfortunately, November is the last month that the U3A opera group will be visiting Wharekaka. On behalf of the residents we wish to thank Duncan and Sonya Roper for giving up their time to come in and show their Opera collection over the last couple of years.
Thank you also to the ladies who come in on Tuesday afternoons and provide our residents with sandwiches for afternoon tea.

Our zebra finches have out grown their birdcage –  does anyone in the community have an old one that they no longer have a use for? If so, Wendy would be delighted to take it off your hands.

Our annual resident, family and friends BBQ will be held on Sunday 2nd December. This is always a much anticipated event for everyone and a chance catch up with families. Thank you to our board members who assist with this event – it is much appreciated.

As this will be our last news column before Christmas we wish to thank everyone that volunteers (even in a small way) at Wharekaka and wish you all the best for the festive season and 2013.

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